"Well, we are walking. Kris just fell. BIG TIME!"
Now, I did send the "Is she ok" text message BEFORE the LOL message. But, I couldn't help laughing because, Kris always falls!
So I decided to do some research as to why some runners fall. This is what I learned:
2. Aging can contribute to changes in your vision, thus increasing your risk of meeting the ground up close.
3. Lack of concentration. If while running we are busy yelling at our running buddies (or even those buddies who are not there) we lose focus on the terrain and SPLAT!
4. Some runners do not lift their feet off the ground high enough which often causes them to trip over "nothing".
5. Running faster than your legs can handle. This can almost guarantee a 'yard-sale' on the trail!
6. Cocky-ness. Often times runner's feel that they are invincible and will mouth off to running partners of their greatness. This is when gravity becomes the great equalizer.
7. Balance. As we age so does our balance. Practice standing on one leg several times a day to improve your balance before heading out for that run!
8. Your imagination can cause you to fall as well. It can be very dangerous. Never imagine that you are running on "pillows'. That will assuredly result in a face to face meeting with some dirt!
9. Kharma - it happens to most of us (never me). You see someone fall and laugh at them. The result? A painful chest bump with a trail post!!
Be safe out there runners! And don't FALL!!
Love this. I took the liberty to tweet it!