Friday, December 21, 2012

12 months of running

On the Twelfth month of running my running gave to me...
A Donut with sprinkles
Eleven seconds to gather my thoughts
Ten Dry Creek calls of joy!
Nine minutes lost in a cemetery
Eight sprays of bathroom body axe
Seven sips of Kris' life saving gatorade
Six trails that almost killed us
FIVE hundred wildflowers on ORCHARD!
Four-ever Robie Sucks
Three curse words
Two heart attacks
and a Year full of memories!

Each number corresponds with a trail run of the corresponding month.  Ex: five hundred wildflowers run was in May, the fifth month.

1 comment:

  1. It's always fun to re-read the blogs and look over last years goals :)Out of Jodi's 6 goals she completed 4.(See the Aloha 2011 post) Although I do not think she mentally survived Robie Creek. I completed 4 of the 6 also -haha. We did complete all the trails which was so much fun and Jodi did meet her 1212 miles goal with only a couple of days to spare.
    So once again I am off to Hawaii to recharge, even though I've been pretty lazy the last month. I've given some thought to my next years goals. I usually have one or two for Jodi also. I will wait for her to post hers before adding mine to her "list".
